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Br Dean Taylor

HI, I’m Dean Taylor and I would like to welcome you to

The aim of this site is to provide original video, journal articles and books coming from an early Christian or conservative Anabaptist perspective.


Building up Yourselves in the Most Holy Faith

Superficial Revival


I recently came across a small, scarce collection of letters written by Charles Finney toward the end of his life. They are exhortations concerning his perspective of the growing superficiality of church life and revival meetings around the year 1870. As I read, I could not help but mourn over the state of the church as we now experience it 130 years later. It takes little imagination to figure what his response would be to the rock bands, comedy routines, T-shirt sales and empty conversions that typify “revival meetings” of our day.

It is my prayer that this timeless reprimand will spur us in returning not only to the revival fire of the 1830’s, but further still, until the Book of Acts becomes our reality in this day. Below is an excerpt from this collection. --Dean Taylor

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No Compromise

This is a very graphic testimony of the power of grace and perseverance in the midst of severe torture and persecution. In the year A. D. 290, three men, Tharacus, Probus, and Andronicus, were brought to prison before the tribunal, and questioned. While being tortures on the rack, they suffered beyond measure for the name of the Lord. By faith in Jesus Christ they were dreadfully tormented, questioned and finally put to death by being thrown alive to wild beast.

All these events occurred in Tarsus, which is the birthplace of Paul. Ancient Tarsus is located in what is modern day Turkey. Through it all, these men left a remarkable witness of God’s grace. All along they focused all glory on God.

The complete story can be found on page 146 in the Martyrs Mirror. A word of caution is needed--the torture described here is very gruesome. May the Lord use these painful testimonies to crack through our modern day, pampered lives and prepare our hearts with a non-compromising devotion to Him May we be ready if we are called on to witness for our Lord Jesus Christ as they were.

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Face the Battle Singing!

Jehoshaphat was in sore distress. What to do!? The Ammonites, the Moabites, and the people of Mount Seir had ganged together against the children of Israel. 2 Chronicles 20:3 reads: “And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the Lord …” They took this confrontation seriously. Jehoshaphat went into the house of the Lord, before the new court, to plead with God for His help. Had not God said that if evil should come upon them and they came into the sanctuary and called on Him for help that He would help them?

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Give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world

Free Course
Available on The Historic Faith

In this three-part series, join Dean Taylor as he surveys the landscape of Christian involvement in politics. Dean takes a historical approach to expose the devastating results when Christians get involved in the political arena. Constantinianism was not only a fourth, twelfth, or sixteenth-century problem for the church. It is still a corrupting influence in the twenty-first century. Dean will challenge you to reconsider how the Church should engage the culture today.

Anabaptist History Series

It's Just War

On March 28, 2014 we held a debate on the question, "Should Christians Fight?" in historic Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston.

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