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Br Dean Taylor

HI, I’m Dean Taylor and I would like to welcome you to

The aim of this site is to provide original video, journal articles and books coming from an early Christian or conservative Anabaptist perspective.


Building up Yourselves in the Most Holy Faith

Preparing the ground for Revival

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.” Jer. 1:10

Of this six-fold commission, four injunctions are destructive and only the latter two are constructive. “To build and to plant” is surely a great work. But it had to be preceded by a rooting-out and a pulling-down, destruction and demolishing. Surely this sounds drastic! Yet it was very necessary, as the historical background shows. The Jewish kingdom had become overgrown with weeds, overbuilt with traditional superstructures. They had to go first. Some iconoclasm was necessary. Some destruction was required.

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The First Book They Read

“Train up a child in the way he should go.” Proverbs 22:6

Education in modern parlance, means nothing more than instruction, or the communication of knowledge to the mind; and a good education means, the opportunity of acquiring all kinds of learning, science, and what are called achievements.

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Parenthood A Sacred Trust

Selected from a 1905 writing by Ella Kellog
Revised and edited by Rachel Weaver

Part I

No occupation, profession or mission in life is of so great importance, no privilege so high and holy, no calling so full of wonderful possibilities as that of parenthood. We are entrusted, in a great measure, with the working out of God’s ideal for each child in our family. To the extent that this trust is fulfilled, these individual characters shall be rounded out in fullness of noble man- or womanhood, or dwarfed by neglect and deformed by sin.

It is a blessed privilege to give a careful start to the little pilgrim just entering upon life’s journey, and to develop with reverent care the image planted there by God, the Creator. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to so accustom the child to a pure and holy atmosphere that he cannot breathe freely in any other. If we neglect these very impressionable first years of our child’s life and let them slip by unimproved, no matter how hard we work in later years, the result will never be as perfect as it might have been if we had carefully trained them early in precept and principle.

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Give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world

Free Course
Available on The Historic Faith

In this three-part series, join Dean Taylor as he surveys the landscape of Christian involvement in politics. Dean takes a historical approach to expose the devastating results when Christians get involved in the political arena. Constantinianism was not only a fourth, twelfth, or sixteenth-century problem for the church. It is still a corrupting influence in the twenty-first century. Dean will challenge you to reconsider how the Church should engage the culture today.

Anabaptist History Series

It's Just War

On March 28, 2014 we held a debate on the question, "Should Christians Fight?" in historic Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston.

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Dig into the truths of Scripture by exploring the early Church and find out why these early Christian perspectives matter today.

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